Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions I am often asked about the process, my Celebrant style and the legal bits and pieces…


  • I became registered in 2019 and married a couple of dear uni friends of mine and never looked back! It started as a hobby and I thought I would do a couple of weddings a year and I recently brought up my ton and officiated wedding #100! That’s 200 gorgeous humans married by yours truly!

  • This one’s easy.


    Connecting with the most gorgeous couples in love who trust me to deliver the day of their dreams.

    Oh and the love stories… I will never, ever get tired of the love stories.

  • Once I have received your booking fee and your autographs have been popped onto my terms and conditions your date is officially locked in!

    You will then instantly receive access to Lovers’ HQ where you will find all the handy resources you need to work with me to create ceremony gold.

    Most importantly, you will have access to the Love Story Questionnaire and this is how I get to know all the juicy deets I need to create a super personalised script for you.

    I will reach out about 6 months before your big day to schedule in our big NOIM signing and planning sesh which can either be done in person over an amazing cup of coffee at my fave cafe, or we can also do this online if that’s more your thing.

    During this meeting we will tick off the first part of the legal process and then we will get stuck into my list of questions and inspo suggestions so we can create a ceremony structure that you love and then off I go to write your love story and create some ceremony magic.

    About a month out from the big day I will touch base again to organise a catch up/rehearsal to run through all the logistics.

    Then we have the best. day. ever!

  • The things we MUST include to make this love of yours official are:

    Completion of the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) to be witnessed and lodged with me between 18 months and 1 month prior to the big day.

    The Declaration of No Legal Impediment to Marriage must be signed by you both as close to the ceremony as possible (either at the rehearsal or just before the ceremony on the day)

    During the ceremony you must have the following:

    • Celebrant introduces themselves and reads the Monitum (legal definition of marriage in Australia)

    • You say the legal vows ‘I call upon the people here present to witness that I (full name) take you (full name) to be my lawful wedded wife/husband/partner”

    • We sign three certificates (Official Certificate of Marriage x2) and the Commemorative Marriage Certificate (Form 15) that are also witnessed by your two chosen witnesses (must be over 18)

    • Celebrant lodges the paperwork with the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages

  • You bet! I have a super high quality MiPro 505 with a wireless microphone and it’s all battery powered so I never need access to mains power. I also bring along a corded mic just in case there is any audio interference because I know how important it is for all of your guests to be able to hear all the ceremony goodness. If you have a videographer on your vendor team they will love to know I am also totally happy for them to plug directly into my PA system and/or mic me up so you will have the best quality audio for your big day video.

  • The virus that shall not be named really did bring this question to the forefront for couples planning their big day and it’s such an important one! I have never missed a wedding in all my years as a Celebrant but I have covered for others and the excellent news is that I have a whole community of legends that could step in for me at a moment’s notice. I would organise the whole thing and provide the Celebrant with all of the legal documentation as well as my script and all my notes so they would deliver the ceremony exactly as I was intending to. You would never be out of a Celebrant or out of pocket in any way.

    Fingers crossed I will never need to, but it’s wonderful peace of mind knowing my community will have our backs and your day will be in the safest of hands.

  • I sure can! I wear many hats and one of them is ceremony DJ!

    I have Spotify Premium and YouTube premium so all you need to do is send me your ceremony playlist and/or pre and post ceremony playlists and I will download them onto my iPad. I use the iPad to read your script so I can control the music via bluetooth and it’s all super easy and seamless. (I always make sure I fade out too so none of that awkward sudden stop action on my watch!)

    Your loved ones are off the hook and I can look after it all for you.

  • I sure can!

    I have resources available on Lovers’ HQ to help you get started and then I am always here to read over your drafts or help you put a thought into a killer one liner and then when you are happy with the final draft, I do a proof read (English major at Uni nerd here) and then print onto my beautiful vow card template. Nice big font too to make it as easy to read as possible and broken up into easy to follow paragraphs. So you don’t need to worry about bringing along some paper and hiding it somewhere… I will have your vows all printed and ready to go for you.

Have a question you don’t see here?

Let’s catch up and you can ask me alllll your burning questions…